
RubyKaigi 2010

Long time no update!

I attended RubyKaigi 2010 at Tsukuba, Japan. It was really exciting!

I made a presentation, "Esoteric, Obfuscated Ruby Programming", which introduces esoteric programming with Ruby. Here is the presentation material:

The slide is written in both Japanese and (weird) English.

Some programs will work on any platform, but some depends on Linux, gcc and its sound driver (/dev/dsp). If you cannot run them yourself, you can look my presentation movie which includes demos (spoken in Japanese, but all the programs are written in Ruby, of course!).

I appeared on stage three times in this RubyKaigi.

  • committer Q&A, as a 1.9.2 assistant release manager. By questioning to the audience, I clarified the fact that many people wants core team to backport only security patches rather than new feature patches.
  • Matz's keynote, because I won "Ruby 1.9.2 Award" for contribution to ruby 1.9.2 release! I'm really proud of that.
  • my presentation, "Esoteric, Obfuscated Ruby Programming". It seemed to get a favorable reception, from some geeks :-)

translated from mamememo in Japanese (2010-08-29).

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